Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Criticism of "Transportation Advocates."

I do not think it is OK to be a alternate transportation advocate and still drive a car most of the time. Most advocates are biking, walking, and using mass transit as much as they can and that it good, but some are not.

Seems like everyone wants a "green" world but is not willing to pay the price. Excuses are rampant in the advocacy community like a bad virus; "its too hot or cold," "I don't have time," "it might rain," " I would be all hot and sweaty," "my allergies are acting up," "there is a unhealthy air alert," blah, blah, blah.

Don't freak out, these are all excuses I use to use when I owned a car.

I am happy there are many advocates in the world that promote alternative transportation. I am very unhappy most of them are "when it is convenient/ when I feel like it" hypocrites.

It seems to me that to have the things they want, like better mass transit, bike lanes, complete streets, walkable communities, etc, that they, the advocates, are going to have to lead by example. i.e., If you want the bike lanes then you are going to need to get out and ride your bike for transportation, in all weather. Bikes lanes are silly if there are no bicyclist using them.

Why should a city government spend money on bicycle and pedestrian lanes and paths if no one is using them, or only uses them when the weather is nice?

If the advocates are walking, bicycling, and using mass transit, the more likely the cities will be to make them a reality. But the Transportation Advocates must lead the way. They our the "Captains" of the team, being the captain, they must also be the most motivated player and must lead by example. I would think the advocates would be more persuasive in their presentations if they are living the change they want to see in the world?

Credibility. How much credibility will you have  if you show up to events or meetings in a car?

I realize there are valid reasons to use cars, two sides to every view point, and legitimate excuses. I recognize this, but I say, if you, no, we, what to make the world a better place we have to lead by example. Lead full time, Advocates, not part. It won't be easy, but you can do it.

Are you really committed to your cause? Or just partially.


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